Mauritius – 06nts/07dys

Welcome to Mauritius with THE ULTIMATE VOYAGE customized created specially for our prestigious guests. Mauritius is an island nation situated on Indian Ocean and it is also called as “Star’ and “key” due to its strategic position. Moreover the citizens of Mauritius are multilingual, multiethnic, multi-religious and multi cultural. Mauritius is known for its abundant natural beauty, beaches, reefs and lagoons. This island nation boasts many water activities like parasailing, snorkeling, deep sea diving, fishing, and scuba diving. Apart from this one can try the cuisine of Mauritius, do shopping over there and can explore the famous places. Some of the major attractions which magnetize tourists from all over the world are Ganga Talao, Tamarind Falls, Blue Penny Museum, Eureka House, Jummah Masjid, Mauritius Aquarium and La Preneuse etc.

Tour Plan

Welcome to Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport of Mauritius, the destination of beach lovers, you will meet by The Ultimate Voyage representative at airport and transfer to hotel as per your reservation. Evening free to enjoy the beautiful beaches of Mauritius.


Morning depart for a full day North tour to Port Louis the capital of Mauritius. Visiting the historical buildings of Port Louis, La Citadelle – a stone fortress situated on top of a hill offering a magnificent view of Port Louis, Caudan waterfront – It has many shops, food courts, craft market, movie theatre, casino etc. On tour you have an option of taking world famous Pamplemousses Garden which was renamed in 1988 in honors of the late Prime Minister, total 60-acre garden boasts 500 different species of plants, of which 80 are palms. (On your own).

Day is free, at leisure to explore a city on your own or you also have option of taking undersea walk(on your own), you can take a walk under water and get a closer look at the fascinating marine life, even if you don’t know to swim! Or Blue Safari Submarine (on your own) dive 35 meter into Ocean, during 40 Minutes dive, amongst multicolored fish, you will discover the beauty of the corals and who knows what surprise awaits you on the dive!

Morning depart for full day South Island tour, visit the craters of Trou Aux Cerf’s – an extinct volcanic crater covered with greenery and offering a breathtaking view, sacred lake of Grand Bassin – according to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva carrying the water of The Holy Gangas, dropped a few drops on the island and a lake was formed. One of the island’s two natural lakes, later depart for Black River Gorge &Chamarel – seven colored earth – where volcanic ash colored is naturally displayed in 7 different colors – red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple and yellow never erode in spite of torrential downpours and adverse climatic conditions.


Morning depart for ‘ILE AUX CERF’ tour. This magical place, with limpid lagoon, white sand and palm fringed beaches must come close to paradise. A day will have surely provide the abiding memory of Mauritius, with water- sport facilities like water ski(on your own), banana boat (on your own) & speed boat ride (on your own) are available.


Full day spend time to relaxing at your resort or optional take Catamarans cruise (on your own) which will bring you along on an island where you will enjoy the beach sea. Barbeque is served on board with unlimited soft and hard drinks or take Casela Bird Park – home of 142 species of birds around the world including the lovely long necked Pink Pigeons, rarest birds in the world & still fighting to avoid the fate of the dodo (On your own).

Take a last glimpse of Mauritius & later depart for your flight to back home with pleasant memory of you tour. Thank you for Choosing The Ultimate Voyage as your Preferred Travel Partner.

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